How to Write With Your Audience in Mind

You may well be able to write - and write well - but can you pen prose that just ‘gets’ your audience?

What do I mean by that? Well, any good copywriter will tell you that writing has a lot to do with adapting your tone of voice (the style in which you write your piece) to the very people who will be reading it.

For example, you wouldn’t necessarily write a piece filled with ‘text speak’ to a generation of people who aren’t down with the latest tech. Neither would you fill an article with ye Olde English words and phrases when your audience is made up of teenage Tik-Tok-ers.

How to Write for Different Audiences

If you had a good English teacher at school, you’ll probably know a little about form and structure when it comes to writing content - and you’ll also be able to punctuate blocks of text correctly too, no doubt. But do you know how to write for a host of different audiences?

When writing your website, blog post or printed marketing literature, you may want to observe everything from the area’s demographics to its local dialect.

Swot Up On the Local Lingo

Writing about, say, a new bar in Greater Manchester? Speak to Mancunians by hiring a Manchester copywriter who’ll not only be able to write well but will know the local lingo.

Perhaps your business is in Merseyside? In that case, you’ll want to take on a professional copywriter in Liverpool.

copywriter Liverpool

Copywriting services in Liverpool aren’t hard to come by, but you may also find that a content writer right here in West Yorkshire has penned enough articles for businesses up and down the country that they can turn their hand to anything. You don’t always need a Liverpool content writer to fulfil your marketing requirements, after all.

Writing with a Northern Audience in Mind

Copywriters in Liverpool, Manchester or Yorkshire will have one thing in common, at least: they’ll be able to write with a northern audience in mind.

Writing for your audience doesn’t have to be complicated. When you have a good copywriter on side, you’re onto a winner.

No One Knows Your Business Quite Like You

If, though, you want to have a go at writing your own content, go for it. It’ll save you money and, hey, no one knows your business quite like you. You may instead want to hire a Yorkshire content writer or a Liverpool copy writer to edit what you’ve put together. Saving you some dosh, which you can then plough back into your business, editing services may be the next best thing to a full website rewrite.

Want to talk to a Yorkshire copywriter who can craft anything from web content to printed collateral? Get in touch here via my website.

Until next time…