Why Blogging Is a Great Idea for Your Business

Want an easy way to direct people to your website? Blog more often; where boosted sales and increased customer interest is concerned, it could be as simple as that.

What…blogging isn’t ‘simple’, you say. It is when you know what to blog about - and how often.

Here’s why blogging is a great idea for your business, from someone who (tries to, anyway) blogs regularly. Read on…

In Time, It Will Boost SEO

What’s ‘SEO’? It stands for search engine optimisation. Err, what’s that, then?!

Put simply, it’s the process of improving the quality of your website traffic (i.e. the number and quality of visitors to your site) via search engines.

By populating your content with the words and phrases your customers are typing into Google, in time, you’ll find that more people stumble upon your site. It can be a slow process but it’s definitely worth it - and as most of your website pages won’t change too much in terms of content, blog posts provide an easy way for you to update your site with fresh content, thereby keeping the site visitors trickling in.

It Keeps Customers Up To Date

New product or service? Blog about it. Then, while you’re at it, add a link to said blog post on your various social media accounts. A higher number of clicks on your blog post means a double whammy of benefits; since more clicks mean boosted SEO, you’ll be helping more people find your site in the long-un. More than that, though, you’ll be providing valuable content your target customer is looking for.

For example, as your target customer may have already purchased something from your site, they’re probably interested to learn you have a new, similar product or service for sale, too - or that an existing product has come down in price. If you don’t blog about it, though (and share your blog post on social media) they may never know.

It Shows Authority

Become an ‘authority’ on a particular subject - i.e. show Google and other search engines that you’re blogging regularly and, as a result, know what you’re doing and what you’re talking about. Not only will doing so give your SEO a boost again, it’ll show your customers that you’re an expert in your field.

For example, if your site sells gardening products, offer some valuable guides (in the form of long-ish blog posts) that amateur gardeners will be keen to read. ‘When to Plant for Spring Colour’, for example, or ‘How to Create an Indoor Herb Garden’. Basically, anything your target market might be looking for online anyway.

Let people know you’re an authority on your subject and they’re more likely to put their trust in you - and your products and/or services.

It Helps You Get Key Messages Across

Sometimes, a rushed Facebook or Twitter post doesn’t allow you to get your point across in the same way as ‘long-form content' might.

A blog post gives you much more scope to feed new and important messages to your customers, as you’ll generally have a larger wordcount to play with, and your content is more likely to be found on Google.

Don’t fancy blogging for your business? That’s where copywriters come in. Get in touch, then, if you want a professional to write the posts on your behalf.

Until next time…

Why Blogging's a Good Idea for Your Business

So perhaps you know (or maybe you've been told) that your company should probably have its own blog. And if you've stumbled on this post here on my freelance copywriting site in the first place, it's because you're interested to know just how and why you need one. After all, isn't a blog just more work for you and your employees?

The short answer is 'yes'. Of course it is. But more work ultimately means a higher number of engaged customers and, quite possibly, a higher number of sales too. Plus, by choosing a West Yorkshire copywriter like myself, no one in your team need even be any busier.

To help you better understand why you could do with a blog - and one that's regularly updated with good, relevant content, too - I've put together some top tips. Read on...

1. It Gives You and Your Team a Voice - Okay, so you feel as though you already have a voice. After all, you've spent days, weeks or even months perfecting your website copy to ensure it best reflects you, your team and your company's values. But ask yourself this: 'Do your customers really know you?' Do they know why you do what you do, what makes you tick and, more importantly, how seriously you take the quality of your services, products or the way you treat your customers in general? By adding a blog to your site (ask your web developer - it's easy!), you're extending your 'voice' by giving the people who put trust in you and your brand another platform to read all about the great things you're doing.

blogging for your business

2. It Gives You Authority - You'd like to position yourselves as real experts in your field - and in having a blog (and keeping it regularly updated) that's exactly what you're doing. Your blog really is an extension of you and your 'shop front', as it were. Use it wisely and only post the updates that will reflect yourself and your staff in the very best light possibly. Think along the lines of the great work you're doing in the community or for charity, and less about the 10-hour boozeathon you recently took your team on.

3. it's Free PR - So I say 'free' here, when really it would cost you a little less than £40 a week. What you would be getting though - on top of good content for your own site - is the chance to be picked up in Google in terms of SEO. The more blogs you upload to your site, the better. Plus, by giving customers and potential business partners a little bit more insight into what you do, you're strengthening your brand's identity as well. it's win-win, really. Oh and according to a recent HubSpot survey, 60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers - kerching!

4. It Keeps You Focused - If you've ever felt like you're 'doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that', with very little focus regarding a long-term marketing plan, a freelance copywriter can help you by ticking at least one thing off your 'to-do' list: blogs. They'll base the content they create around your company's goals, and ensure every single post is tailored towards its intended audience: your customers. Researching and writing content sometimes months in advance, you'll have an at-a-glance look at where your company's heading in the foreseeable future. Which means you'll be able to better plan your business's marketing strategy general.

5. It Helps You Determine Who Your Customers Are - The chances are, you'll have a good idea who your customers are already. And this is definitely the case if you have a physical shop front. But perhaps you don't. Or maybe you'd just like to know more about your customers - and what it is that entices them to make a purchase. In the back-end of your blog, you'll be able to track readers via click-throughs, shares and comments. Perfect if you're looking to build a more long-term marketing strategy!

Intrigued to get started with a blog? Get in touch today and I can pull together a content plan based on what your customers want to see and hear from you and your team. For as little as £35 a week, I can deliver a well-researched and, more importantly, well-written piece of content ready for you or your employees to upload onto your site. Then simply wait for the customer enquiries to come your way. Get in touch!