"Tell Me You're a Copywriter Without Telling Me You're a Copywriter..."

If you’re a TikTok or Instagram Reels fan (and believe me, I try to stay away from both if I want to actually get on with some work), you’ll know all about the ‘Tell me you’re a…. without telling me you’re a…..’ video series that’s been doing the rounds.

If not, take a quick peek on the platform and it won’t be long before you’re nodding in agreement when you find yourself relating to one or two of the vids. Or, if you fancy a laugh, have a peek at this one via YouTube.

Without further ado, then, here’s my own - a copywriter version. I took to Twitter and LinkedIn - and a bunch of fellow copywriters - for some insight. Read on…

1. On promoting businesses online..

I connect you to your audience with words 😊

Anna Metcalfe, Freelance Copywriter, Cantaloupe

2. On wearing many hats…

I'm sworn to secrecy. But I'm not a spy.

I understand how people think. But I'm not a mind reader.

I get in touch with people's emotions. But I'm not a therapist.

I write stories with happy endings. But I'm not an author.

What am I? I'm a conversation starter who helps businesses talk to their future customers.

Rob Beadle, Tech, Finance and B2B Copywriter

3.On procrastination…

Your work process involves:

  • doing the washing-up

  • walking the dog

  • losing yourself down a rabbit hole on Google.

Fi Phillips, Copywriter at Fi Phillips Copywriterwriter.com

4. On being free to work wherever you like…

‘My best friends are baristas with a helpful turn of phrase’

John, Dash of Tonic

5. On feeling inadequate and Wordle-themed woes

‘You get riled up - on an almost daily basis - when your husband (not a wordsmith) cracks the Wordle word in fewer guesses than you’. Sob.

Lauren Holden (aka, moi!), freelance copywriter.

I have far and away the most unrealistic family expectations when it comes to Wordle scores.

James Hart, organic search copywriter

6. On engaging with different audiences…

I tell your stories without saying a word.

I speak in your voice, about your business, for your audience, but they'll never know it's me.

I don't need fancy logos, colours, or fonts to breathe life into your brand.

I do the write thing so you can do the right thing.

Tash Morgan-Etty, Write Rabbit

7. On turning people’s thoughts into perfect prose…

I help people make sense of what’s in their brain, so that other people can make sense of (and act on) it

Jo Marshall, All Things Words

8. On constantly having to explain what a copywriter does…

Real convo 👇
My older brother: "Oh, I guess you are going to law school to study copyright for your new job?"
Me: "No, it has nothing to do with law school or copyright. It's a writing profession."

William Lin, The Will to Write

9. On the things we do to amuse ourselves…

Working away and just caught myself singing the chorus of Witch Doctor by Cartoons in a variety of UK accents. Done Scottish, Northern Irish and Geordie. Now writing said lyrics down phonetically according to accent for no apparent reason 🤣

Jack, Cola Bottle Content

10. On getting frustrated when companies think ‘they can just do it themselves’…

Many companies think they don't need me, because hey, they have people that can read and write. In the words of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Big mistake. BIG MISTAKE.

Lea-Anne Carter, storyteller and brand strategist

11. On navigating vague client briefs…

Being told: ‘Well you know the brand, so write us a blog. It needs to be creative. ‘

Yosra Mostafa, marketing executive

12. On the complexities/quirks of using Google Docs…

I have a visceral fear of seeing “anonymous animals are editing your document” in Google Docs.

Also I know more synonyms for innovation than any human being ever should have to.

Charlotte Sheridan, The Small Biz Expert

13. On explaining to family and friends what you do and don’t do…

As said by a relative "So you write spam?" Yes. Yes, I do. (email copywriter here)

Juliet Peay, Yeah That Writer

14. On getting away with being a ‘grammar nerd’…

You can tell I'm a copywriter because I'm happy to have a half hour discussion with anyone about the Oxford comma or the pernickety and obscure differences between American English and English English. (I have a good friend who's a copy editor and we have nerdy chats like this all the time.)

Also, my dad is most proud of the fact that I can tell someone to f*ck off in such a way that they thank me afterwards. I think that also qualifies me.

Amanda Fearn, Kelly Copy

15. On loving what you do so much that you get on your soapbox about it…

I'm an armchair philosopher who gets up on his soapbox and shouts about why every website needs words to function.

I'm like a wrestler laying the smackdown on writing block so people can get on with winning their personal world titles in business.

Jamie Ryder, Stoic Athenaeum

Want to add your thoughts to this blog post - or for part two in the series (I received so much input that I think I’m going to split it up into more than one post). Get in touch!

Until next time…

Will copywriting ever be automated?

It sounds like something out of Black Mirror or Bladerunner (or Fifth Element…did you see that? One of the best films ever made, seriously) but one day, automation is going to affect our lives. Big time.

In some cases we already trust automation to take care of things in our everyday schedules. If you’ve got an Alexa taking down your shopping lists, or a Hive switching off your heating while you’re out for the day, you’re already enjoying the advantages of an automation-led future. How exciting is that?!

But what if computer programmes could help streamline your workflow? Would you use a robot to make your copywriting tasks easier?

Hyperspeed Headlines

You might not know this, but there are already programmes out there that are used regularly to write basic news reports for news agencies. The odd thing? You can barely tell the difference between a short court report written up by a human and a traffic update composed by AI. Ouch.

This technology has been used to create advertising copy, too, using Google’s ‘cost-per-click’ system to train tech to make ads that play it safe, thereby encouraging more clicks while driving costs down.

However, marketing corporation Dentsu Aegis Network decided this wasn’t ground-breaking enough for them. As advertising giants, they knew that creativity is what drives the best marketing campaigns. So, they set off on a journey to teach their algorithms how to ‘think’, ‘feel’ and ultimately, get funny.

According to a fascinating news story about the project on BBC.co.uk, managing director of Dentsu Aegis Network Audrey Kuah said: "Our ambition is to train this AI copywriter to learn how to inject a little bit of that human creativity.”

The robots are coming…

The robots are coming…

The Human Touch

Does this spell the end of the road for creative copywriters?

I honestly don’t think so. While algorithms can be trained to write snappy, empirically interesting copy, the only creativity they can offer is learned.

In that respect, a human element has to exist, in order to push the creative boundaries.

I love writing heartfelt, engaging copy that informs, attracts and moves readers to act. I can’t deny that the idea of having an AI assistant I can send repetitive tasks to is actually a dream come true, for both me and my clients. Imagine all the time I could dedicate to producing thoughtful, creative content! Imagine how much more efficient the processes involved in setting up a website – for example – would be?

 I’m not concerned that robots will take my job. Well, let’s hope not; I quite like doing what I do.


At the end of the day, creativity comes from your lived experiences, your personality, your likes and dislikes and your own personal hunches. What works for one agency might not work for another. Ads that bring home thousands of pounds in revenue for one company might fall flat for others. That’s why humans, with our amazing adaptability and problem-solving skills, could never really be replaced.

I’m actually excited about where AI might take the creative marketing industry. How about you?

Until next time…

Productivity 101: How I Stay Focused


Working from home with the option (I say, 'option' because it isn't a reality for me!) to slob around in your PJs; what's not to love? I'll start with the main drawback to my life as a freelance copywriter: staying focused.

freelance copywriter Yorkshire

While I've never missed a deadline and I pride myself on the fact I 'under-promise and over-deliver', motivating one's self (oooh, I sounded like the Queen for a second there!) can be tough. And the reason for that is this: without the threat of a boss man (or woman!) hovering over your desk at a second's notice, copywriters like myself can notice that the urge to put fingers to keyboard can wane a little, with the lure of Facebook, Twitter, or even YouTube, poking its cheeky little head into view.

So, in the absence of a boss (oh wait, that's me!) and a lack of colleagues tapping away at their computers to spur me on, how do I get stuff done?

Nothing is as important to me as meeting my clients' deadlines and exceeding their expectations, so here's what I do:

1. I Work in Threes

Now I don't mean I work with two other people; rather my to-do list never contains more than a trio of items. Plenty of people will attest that this works. And hey, it works for me too - so it shall long remain one of my top productivity tactics - until someone introduces me to another one.

2. I Set Alarms

If I have more than one project on the go, I divide each into timeframes - and set an alarm on my phone to ensure I only work for, say, three hours at a time on one job. That way, my mind is clearer (better for ensuring the ideas keep flowing) when I revisit a piece of work - and it helps me keep better track of hours spent per project, too.

3. I Keep a Routine

So, the hardest part of a freelancer's life is sticking to a routine. While you may begin the day with good intentions (with plans to get up at 7am, and take the long (joke) work commute from bedroom to your study by 9am) it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes, you'll find yourself downing tools at 3pm, taking an extended break, and then working until 11pm. It isn't always the best way to work; keeping to 9-5 hours is the best thing you can do for your motivation as a freelancer - and your social life!


4. I Get Out of the House

Being stuck indoors and communicating with NO ONE (sob!) is no good for your motivation levels - or your soul. So, I make sure I take at least one trip out during the day - even if it's just a walk around the block. It gives me that little burst of energy when I've been staring at my laptop all day, and it's even how I formulate many of my ideas for clients' websites.

And when I'm really pushed for time...

5. I Get TOTALLY Serious About Things...

...and deny myself a tea and biscuit break, a slice of cake; even a trip to the toilet. I'll tell myself: 'no, Lauren. You're not putting the kettle on, or going to the loo - not until you write another paragraph.' It may seem harsh - and possibly even a notch crazy - but hey, being your own boss can be tough; you've got to find the motivation from somewhere.

How do you stay focused when freelancing? It'd be good to pick up some more tips here at Lauren Holden Freelance. Why not comment on this blog with your own freelance copywriting tips and we can all learn from each other, eh?

Until next time...

Romance Ain't Dead; Here's Proof...

Has no one lavished you with flowers and chocs yet? More fool them, I say. ALL of them. Don't they realise how utterly lovely you are?!

But before you throw an almighty paddy...sit down, relax...get the kettle on. And remember that I love you. I really do.

If you've dropped by my site (even for a second), read my blogs - or better yet - used my services - thank you. It's people like you that keep a little old freelancer like myself in business. No really...cheers!

And because I want to send a little bit of love (woahhh, not like that - you cheeky scamps!) your way, I'm bringing you a special Valentine's copywriting discount*, to be redeemed anytime between now and Friday, February 17. Hey, I might be a cold and unromantic soul most of the time, but today you're in for a treat.

Enjoy 15% off any of the following copywriting services:

* Blogs

* E-newsletters

* Press Releases

* Flyers

* Proofreading

Interested in taking me up on this LOVEly, one-time offer? Get in touch at freelance@laurenholden.co.uk and quote the code 'LOVE15' in your email.

Over and out.

Right, I have a bag of chocolate truffles waiting for me (cheers - you know who you are!) and they won't eat themselves...